Erkki Koskenniemi CV
Erkki Koskenniemi, born in Turku, October 2, 1956; pastor in the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church, teaching Biblical studies at the Lutheran Evangelical Association in Finland (Suomen Luterilainen Evankeliumiyhdistys) since 18.11.1984. Retired 2023.
I started my studies with Classical Philology at the Department of Classical Philology (University of Turku) in the autumn 1975, and soon Theological studies at the Faculty of Theology (Åbo Akademi University). Licenciate degree at the Humanistic Faculty at the University of Helsinki, 16.4.1985. (Greek Literature, Roman Literature).
Licenciate degree at the Theological Faculty at the Åbo Akademi University 13.12.1988 (New Testament Exegesis, Old Testament Exegesis).
Doctoral dissertation, Apollonius of Tyana in der neutestamentlichen Exegese: Forschungsbericht und Weiterführung der Diskussion at the Faculty of Theology at the Åbo Akademi University, 26.5.1992 (New Testament Exegesis, opponent: Prof. Martin Hengel, Tübingen).
Taught Classical Philology, mainly Greek and Latin between autumn 1978 and autumn 1984 at the University of Turku. Studied Classical Philology and Theology, mainly Classical Philology (Professors Richard Kannicht and Konrad Gaiser) at the University of Tübingen during 1.10.1983 – 30.7.1984.
Ordained as pastor of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church 18.11. 1984, since then teacher of Biblical studies at Lutheran Evangelical Association in Finland.
Member of the Centre of Excellence in Finnish Academy (New Testament Exegesis) 1.1.2000-31.12.2004-, leave for research 1.9 – 31.12.2002 and 1.1.2004-31.5.2004.
Adjunct Professor at the University of Helsinki (New Testament Exegesis) since 19.5.1999, at the University of Joensuu (New Testament Exegesis) since 13.1.2004 and at the Åbo Akademi University (New Testament Exegesis) since 21.5.2004.
Professor of Biblical Studies at the University of Joensuu 1.1.-31.12.2003.
Member of international network Network for the Study of the Reception History of the Bible publishing the series Studies in the Reception History of the Bible (= SRB).